Tag Archives: Harry Potter

TweetFilm No. 17 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two

“You and whose army?” – Neville Longbottom, badass in a cardigan.

This month’s TweetFilm is the climactic ending to the highest grossing film series of all time, and a series close to many a film geek’s heart: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two. With almost all of the plot out of the way, this is the entry dedicated to the epic Battle of Hogwarts, and what better way to enjoy reliving it than by sharing it with your fellow Potter fans on Twitter?

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord recommends this hashtag:


As usual, we will have some prizes to give away at the screening – our usual prize suppliers Classic Comics (@ClassicComics) and Comix Factor (@AuctionFigures) will hopefully be contributing (still sorting out details, more to come), but we also have a very generous donation of a brand new, sealed box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans courtesy of @lilithia! Lili is a TweetFilm veteran, having participated in quite a few screenings, and we are very thankful for her kindness.

Now, usually we just give prizes away for the best tweets, but this month I thought we’d try something extra. If enough/any of you come in costume, we will also give a prize away to the best-dressed Potter fan! Keep in mind that you will have to sit, watch and live-tweet the film in costume as well, so try not to get too impractical.

Melbourne folks can come to the free screening at Loop, located at 23 Meyers Place in the CBD, at the Parliament end of Bourke St.

Not in Melbourne, or can’t get there but still want to take part? No problem! We’ll be synchronising our start time with timeanddate.com’s Melbourne page as usual, so you can take part at home. Read our how-to page for all the details.

So, to sum up…
Where: Loop, 23 Meyers Place, Melbourne / anywhere with a DVD player
When: Tuesday August 14, arrive from 7:00 pm for a 7:30 start.



“I’m a Hufflepuff!”

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