Farewell… for now, at least


I’m sorry to have to bring you this news – unfortunately, TweetFilm will be going on hiatus for the foreseeable future. There will be no screenings or TweetFilm-related events until further notice.

Why, you ask? It’s a combination of factors, some of which are personal, but please understand this was not an easy decision to make. Attendance hadn’t been as high as Loop and I had hoped for lately, and as a result they need to make the venue available for other bookings. This is a completely understandable business decision and we have parted on very good terms. Presented with the choice of continuing at another venue or shutting things down, I’ve had to go for the latter, not least of which because I’m currently without a job, and can’t really afford to pay for screening rights at the moment. On top of this, I feel like TweetFilm has run its course for the moment. I’m very proud of what we’ve been able to achieve over the past two and a bit years (including 18 months of free public screenings, some great films, some terrible but all fun). And I have all of you lovely people to thank for that – this was a concept that by definition requires a lot of audience participation, so to everyone who took part in a TweetFilm, my most sincere thanks.

At this stage I do not know when or if TweetFilm will return, but if it does, you can be sure I’ll announce it here, and on Twitter and Facebook, and whatever other social media platform is the big thing by then. In the meantime, thanks to Loop for being willing to give this concept a chance, to Gertrude’s Brown Couch for hosting us that one time, to Classic Comics (@ClassicComics) and Comix Factor (@AuctionFigures) for so many great prizes, and to the Emerging Writers’ Festival for making TweetFilm part of the program in 2011 and 2012. Special thanks also to those who have donated prizes out of the goodness of their hearts – @lilithia and @xander85.

A few bits of trivia, if you’re interested:

Most successful screening by attendance: Jurassic Park, by far.

Screening most invaded by spambots: Planet of the Apes.

Widest trending film: Beetlejuice trended worldwide during its first half hour.

So that’s it, really. I’ll see you around, either in Melbourne or on the internet. Until next time, I believe Bodhi said it best:

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One response to “Farewell… for now, at least

  1. This saddens me greatly! Sad Panda Is Sad!
    You are welcome for the prize donations! If or more likely when you decided to kick things off again, I would love to try donate some more!

    Love the stats! Jurassic Park was the first one that @lilithia & I attented! We bailed on our Valentines Day plans and we were hooked!

    I am sad that we did not get a chance to attend more of these 😦

    I hope that we get to see this start back up again! It is definitely a lot of fun!

    Thank You for making this happen! You’re Wicked! Don’t be a stranger!

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